(by completing the sentence “Comrade denizci was an efficient organizer, a brave fighter and ….“)
“sometimes cheerful. You can’t make revolution with people you can’t laugh with. a visionary leader.”
Anonymous Comrade A
“a master at turning every party committee meeting into a philosophical symposium.”
Anonymous Comrade B
“She had an aura that created a gravitational pull around her. She often brought a cheerful atmosphere to meetings with her frequent laughter.” 1
Anonymous Comrade C
“had a good memory, analytical intellect, and was extremely talented in both writing and speaking”
Anonymous Comrade D
“highly intellectual, and not necessarily bound by party lines”
Anonymous Comrade E
“She appeared to be a Stalinist outwardly, but was more of a Trotskyite within a Leninist party. She forced all of us to read Sungur Savran and know the concept of “uneven and combined development” 🙂
Anonymous Comrade F
- some comrades apparently are still in the spirit of left opposition, not following instructions…) ↩︎